Wallets & Identity - Unity in Diversity
We dive into the world of wallets and explain how ReadID Identity Verification helps to onboard identities. We do so with our guest from Digidentity, CTO Marcel Wendt, and Inverid's Wil Janssen. Marcel discusses Digidentity’s activities around wallets, including the role of enterprise identities, and Wil dives into the challenges of identity onboarding for EU wallets.
Featuring Marcel Wendt from Digidentity
A deep dive into Identity wallets
The discussion on wallets is everywhere. Wallets embraced by big tech to store your payment cards and tickets, crypto wallets to trade your crypto funds, and the new kid on the block- identity wallets to share attributes and attestations, as promoted by the European Commission. These wallets' use cases differ widely but share the link with you as a person. With the growing regulation of crypto, the wallet's identity verification level becomes crucial.
Learn more about how NFC identity verification can safely and securely ingest data into potential identity wallets, with assurance of authenticity. We are joined by Marcel Wendt, CTO of Digidentity and very active in the Large Scale Pilot EWC.
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