The Value of Certification
Learn how certifications simplify the implementation of identity verification and how audit responsibilities can change under certification. Our guest Clemens Wanko from TÜV TRUST IT explains what the eIDAS module certifications are and what they prove. Inverid is the new name of InnoValor.
Proof of security
In identification verification, proof of security is increasingly more vital. Distinguishing between disrupting yet mature technologies, such as ReadID, and immature new technologies that can introduce important risks in key processes is not that easy.
“Inverid has the responsibility to not only be secure, but also to prove that they are secure.”
As both customers and users of ReadID trust Inverid with very security and privacy-sensitive information, Inverid has the responsibility to not only be secure but also to prove that they are secure. Inverid has extended its baseline ISO27001 security with three additional certifications: ISO/IEC 27701 for Privacy Management, eIDAS module for Qualified Trust Service Providers (digital signatures), and eIDAS electronic identification at assurance level High.
This creates tremendous value for every organisation that needs trusted identity verification.
Want to learn more about government-grade security for identity verification?
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Converting, scalable, easy-to-use, and secure NFC-First identity verification.
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ISO/IEC 27001 certified

ISO/IEC 27701 certified

eIDAS module certifications

SOC2 type 2

Cyber Essentials Plus