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Rooted in research,
focus on impact

ReadID is a product of Inverid, a privately owned company, headquartered in the Netherlands and formerly known as InnoValor.  Inverid creates innovative software products and provided research-based advice in the areas of digital innovation for government, financial industry and service providers. ReadID has its roots in the research activities of Inverid. 

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Shaping digital innovations

With our fast-growing team of more than 60 developers, strategists, and researchers, we work on solid, groundbreaking and socially relevant solutions that increase digital trust in society.

We work with a great passion for future developments and based on solidly based research we create a head start for our clients.

Powered by Inverid

  • Origins in research
  • Started from innovation services, excelled in software
  • Offices in the Netherlands, the UK, and Spain
  • Started in 2013, steadily growing
  • Award-winning solutions
  • Backed by Main Capital Partners
  • Doing awesome research with great people
Wil Janssen

Co-founder and CRO at Inverid

"We are always open for new talents to join our team and create awesome products with great people."

Our timeline


In December 2013, Inverid was founded as InnoValor, a spin-off of the Dutch research institute Novay


Launched first NFC-based mobile identity verification technology in the Play Store


In February, Dutch police force uses ReadID as weapon against identity fraud


Introduce the name ReadID for our NFC passport reader technology


Added support for driving licences


Rabobank starts online identification with ReadID - first bank worldwide


Inverid is ISO27001 certified


EU Settlement Scheme UK is launched in April


In September, ReadID is available on iPhone, as the first NFC app worldwide


Inverid gets unique 4-fold certification package


InnoValor Advice becomes independent from InnoValor


Main Capital Partners invests in ReadID to stengthen growth


We open our UK office and in November Inverid becomes the new name


Valencia tech hub opens