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NFC-based remote identity verification replaces physical verification

A new remote identity verification solution based on NFC chip verification and face matching was approved by the Estonian Information System Authority. 

The solution from SK ID Solutions uses the ReadID NFC technology of Inverid. The remote identity verification process was evaluated by certified auditors from TÜV Informationstechnik GmbH (TÜViT). This is a breakthrough for digital services for many industries, such as trust service providers, governments and financial institutions. It lowers costs for onboarding and re-verification, creating the scalability needed for large scale adoption by users that want, think and act “mobile first”. The process has been rated at least equivalent to physical identification, acquiring the trust level ‘high’ according to eIDAS levels and is certified to the EN 319-401 standard.

Conformance to eIDAS high also means that electronic identities are being created that are recognised throughout the European Union. The process is fully automated without a need for human interaction or intervention, and the registration process takes only couple of minutes. To use this biometric identity verification method, the user only needs a valid biometric passport or identity card and a smartphone (iOS or Android). For facial matching ReadID orchestrates with its partner iProov.


“We are proud to have our mobile identity verification solution ReadID inside SK’s breakthrough Smart-ID solution”

“This is also very good news to more than a million Smart-ID users in Latvia and Lithuania who can now update their Smart-ID Basic accounts to qualified signature creation devices within couple of minutes,“ according to the CEO of SK ID Solutions, Kalev Pihl, who launched this service. SK ID Solutions first introduced Smart-ID in 2017 and today it is being used by more than 2,6 million people. Smart-ID is available in all three Baltic states and can be used in more than 200 e-services.

“We are proud to have our mobile identity verification solution ReadID inside SK’s breakthrough Smart-ID solution,” according to Maarten Wegdam, CEO of ReadID. “Using NFC we can remotely determine the authenticity of the identity document at the trust level that is needed for qualified signatures. In addition, the high-resolution face-image from the chip enables secure facial matching.”


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Interested in NFC-based identity verification? Our free personal app ReadID Me is available in the App and Plays stores. No personal information is shared with Inverid or other parties; it is a client-only verification.

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